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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Ancient civilizations believed that sound created the universe. Everything – including our bodies – is in a state of vibration; when there is imbalance, sound can help recalibrate the energy and restore harmony. Modern-day research suggests that certain frequencies and rhythms can influence brainwave patterns, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. Other benefits may include relief from chronic pain and improved sleep.


Whether we are chanting mantras, stretched out at a sound bath, or belting out our favorite song in the shower, sound can allow us to embody our divinity and connect with a higher realm of consciousness.   

Sound has long been used as a powerful tool for healing and spiritual development.


Ancient civilizations believed that sound created the universe. Everything – including our bodies – is in a state of vibration; when there is imbalance, sound can help recalibrate the energy and restore harmony. Modern-day research suggests that certain frequencies and rhythms can influence brainwave patterns, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. Other benefits may include relief from chronic pain and improved sleep.


Whether we are chanting mantras, stretched out at a sound bath, or belting out our favorite song in the shower, sound can allow us to embody our divinity and connect with a higher realm of consciousness.   

Sound has long been used as a powerful tool for healing and spiritual development.


Sound Healing

Sound Healing


Experience deep groundedness and peace through sound meditation.

This ancient Tibetan practice utilizes humming to create a healing vibration throughout the body, and elicit a powerful new level of awareness.


Simple yet effective, this seated practice has three unique stages and is accompanied by music and slow hand movements.


During the meditation, your mind and body will eventually merge. The humming and hand movements will seemingly occur by themselves. And you can relax into the exalted vantage point of simply witnessing, which can help reduce unproductive reactivity in day-to-day life.

Sound Healing
Design Element

"The Goddess Vibrations class experience is almost too profound to put into words. Sara uses her expertise (and beautiful instruments) to gently guide you into a state of blissful surrender. Somehow Sara said exactly what each of us needed to hear, then gifted us sweet sounds to accompany her wisdom. Sound is such a non-invasive way to explore expanded states of consciousness. What a soft and scrumptious way to grow!"


— Midori V.

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