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Take advantage of our Goddess Promotion! Click here to learn how to get a free class!

Take advantage of our Goddess Promotion! Click here to learn how to get a free class!

About Us

We are your neighbor and your friend.

We are your family and your lover. We are workers and retirees, teachers and students, caregivers and creatives, executives and entrepreneurs. We are young and learning to navigate our course. We are older and finding more ways to lead and serve. We are all shapes and sizes and races. We are straight and queer and curious and beyond labels. We have lives that may look very different from what we once imagined. We have swum in our heartbreak and basked in our acceptance. We work hard and are too often taken for granted. We embrace our emotionality and know it reveals a deeper truth. We are mothers who fiercely love our children – and still desire more for ourselves. We are learning to revere our bodies and not let society define their worth. We have said “me too” and “fuck you” and then found our healing within. We are erotic and sensual and refuse to see these qualities as anything but divine. We are done playing small.  We are ready for change.  We are the change. We are priestesses who are awakening to this fact in this lifetime. We know that our purpose is to reach higher and act from love. We need sisterhood like sacred medicine. We are women.

We are the Goddess.

 Katherine Davis


Welcome Goddess is a

co-creation of many people and energies.

But if you are looking for one person to direct questions or feedback, or curious who is writing in the first person – it’s me, Katherine Davis. 

Welcome Goddess was a faint yet tantalizing whisper in my ear for years. But I was not ready to heed the call until I turned the magical age of 50. My own powerful embodiment journey awakened a deep desire in me to make these practices more accessible for other women. Ready for a new adventure, and inspired by a constellation of beautiful synchronicities and messages, Welcome Goddess was born.

You can read more about me on the class schedule. Better yet, come dance and meditate with me!

 Katherine Davis


Welcome Goddess is a

co-creation of many people and energies.

But if you are looking for one person to direct questions or feedback, or curious who is writing in the first person – it’s me, Katherine Davis. 

Welcome Goddess was a faint yet tantalizing whisper in my ear for years. But I was not ready to heed the call until I turned the magical age of 50. My own powerful embodiment journey awakened a deep desire in me to make these practices more accessible for other women. Ready for a new adventure, and inspired by a constellation of beautiful synchronicities and messages, Welcome Goddess was born.

You can read more about me on the class schedule. Better yet, come dance and meditate with me!

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Healing the feminine is the most important, urgent work facing humanity today.


They rightly understood the magic and mysticism contained in women’s bodies and the power of our spirit. But Western civilization wrought an unhealthy imbalance between the sexes – i.e., patriarchy – and the degradation of the feminine began. Masculine and feminine energies reside in every human. Masculine is doing; feminine is being. Both are important, and together create a harmonious life. But when we deny and suppress the feminine – which includes empathy, feelings, interconnectedness, vulnerability – everyone suffers. By overidentifying with the masculine, our society has become too competitive, less open, more rigid. Devaluing the feminine has resulted in every significant challenge of our time, including inequity, war, and climate change. Sexism and misogyny are so normalized today that it is easy to believe there’s no longer a problem. But recent data speaks the truth: Violence against women and girls is on the rise – in the U.S. and globally – and previous progress in gender equality is coming undone. Welcome Goddess exists to help women feel both safe and revered. We are dedicated to healing the feminine with practices that honor our very being and wholeness. We want every human to experience more balance, genuine connection, and mutual respect.

For millennia, ancient civilizations worshipped the feminine.


They rightly understood the magic and mysticism contained in women’s bodies and the power of our spirit. But Western civilization wrought an unhealthy imbalance between the sexes – i.e., patriarchy – and the degradation of the feminine began. Masculine and feminine energies reside in every human. Masculine is doing; feminine is being. Both are important, and together create a harmonious life. But when we deny and suppress the feminine – which includes empathy, feelings, interconnectedness, vulnerability – everyone suffers. By overidentifying with the masculine, our society has become too competitive, less open, more rigid. Devaluing the feminine has resulted in every significant challenge of our time, including inequity, war, and climate change. Sexism and misogyny are so normalized today that it is easy to believe there’s no longer a problem. But recent data speaks the truth: Violence against women and girls is on the rise – in the U.S. and globally – and previous progress in gender equality is coming undone. Welcome Goddess exists to help women feel both safe and revered. We are dedicated to healing the feminine with practices that honor our very being and wholeness. We want every human to experience more balance, genuine connection, and mutual respect.

For millennia, ancient civilizations worshipped the feminine.

There is powerful wisdom in our bodies and natural environments. 

Most of us have been conditioned to prioritize our mind over our body. We strive to be “smart” and “rational” while often dismissing feelings and sensations, and overriding our physical needs. In reality, our mind and body work together. But while the mind can easily become restless and unruly, the body has access to far more honest information than we can even imagine. We help women listen to and respect the deep wisdom that has always resided within but can be difficult to access in a world that shames, threatens, and controls women’s bodies. We want everyone to enjoy the vitality and expansiveness that naturally comes when we reconnect with our most authentic selves. Mother Nature often supports this inward journey. Some of our offerings take place on our tree-filled patio, or access the creek running alongside our building. Other times we take students further afield to nearby trails. We incorporate plants, flowers, and other elements of nature in many of our classes. When we honor the cycles, seasons, and energy in nature, we are better able to connect with our own wildness and flow.

Design Element

Our very biology depends upon us being with others in person.

Today’s modern world increasingly requires that we work and communicate digitally. Technology was invaluable in keeping us connected during the pandemic. But today, isolation and loneliness in the U.S. have reached all-time highs. Mothers are especially likely to feel lonely. Few of us have the built-in social networks that work and religion provided previous generations. “Friends” on social media have replaced friends in real life. As energetic beings, our proximity with people regulates our hormones and nervous systems. Without it, our physical and mental health inevitably decline. Something even more magical happens when women come together. Our bonds throughout time have been sacred, and when we gather, we remember. We support and learn from one another in our internal and external growth. We honor our lineage and bless future generations. We see and feel that we’re not alone.


Our very biology depends upon us being with others in person.

Today’s modern world increasingly requires that we work and communicate digitally. Technology was invaluable in keeping us connected during the pandemic. But today, isolation and loneliness in the U.S. have reached all-time highs. Mothers are especially likely to feel lonely. Few of us have the built-in social networks that work and religion provided previous generations. “Friends” on social media have replaced friends in real life. As energetic beings, our proximity with people regulates our hormones and nervous systems. Without it, our physical and mental health inevitably decline. Something even more magical happens when women come together. Our bonds throughout time have been sacred, and when we gather, we remember. We support and learn from one another in our internal and external growth. We honor our lineage and bless future generations. We see and feel that we’re not alone.

It’s time to get off our computers and phones and gather in person, in community.


Our willingness to heal ourselves helps heal the world.

Women are no strangers to thinking of and caring for others. Yet, it can feel uncomfortable, impossible even, to dedicate time and energy to thinking and caring about ourselves. Between relationships, families and work, there are always real demands…and convenient excuses. But when you take those first steps to reclaim your birthright – your passion, your power, your voice, your pleasure – you set in motion a series of events that can help transform the world. The new ways in which we start to think about our own bodies and very beingness influence how others will view and treat women and girls. Be the change you wish to see in the world! Like a torch being passed, when we shine our own radiance, others cannot help but light up as well. And this growing glow continues to illuminate everyone’s way. Welcome Goddess stands not only for women in our community but for the hundreds of millions of women and girls elsewhere who do not have the same rights and resources. We do this work for everyone who cannot. And never forget that we are all Goddesses.


Our willingness to heal ourselves helps heal the world.

Women are no strangers to thinking of and caring for others. Yet, it can feel uncomfortable, impossible even, to dedicate time and energy to thinking and caring about ourselves. Between relationships, families and work, there are always real demands…and convenient excuses. But when you take those first steps to reclaim your birthright – your passion, your power, your voice, your pleasure – you set in motion a series of events that can help transform the world. The new ways in which we start to think about our own bodies and very beingness influence how others will view and treat women and girls. Be the change you wish to see in the world! Like a torch being passed, when we shine our own radiance, others cannot help but light up as well. And this growing glow continues to illuminate everyone’s way. Welcome Goddess stands not only for women in our community but for the hundreds of millions of women and girls elsewhere who do not have the same rights and resources. We do this work for everyone who cannot. And never forget that we are all Goddesses.

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