Dance and Movement

How would you move if there were no shame?
If your body could openly express how you felt? If you were not self-conscious about being seen or what other people thought? If you were out of your head and deep inside the delicious sensations of your body?
Welcome to Sensual Flow, an empowering class built upon the popular S Factor practice that brought sensual movement and pole dancing into the mainstream more than 20 years ago. Named for the S-like curvature of the female body, S Factor was inspired by the erotic expression of stripping. But as its creator Sheila Kelley explains, in this practice, “We are stripping away layers of social conditioning, negativity, and criticism.”
In a dimly lit room with no mirrors or men, we remove the gaze that can objectify our being and let ourselves move without fear or judgment. Our Sensual Flow teachers were trained at either one of the S Factor studios in Los Angeles or New York, or at Sensually Embodied in Boulder, and each brings their own flavor to the practice. Classes typically begin with a guided warm-up and moving meditation, and incorporate various exercises and soul-stirring music to enhance your own erotic and emotional expression.
Note: This class is only open to students who have previously danced at S Factor or Sensually Embodied, or have completed our Sensual Flow Essentials course. Please contact us with any questions.
Since the dawn of time, women have danced in community with other women.
Whether it was in celebration, or to bond, grieve, or pray, they instinctually knew the healing potential available in conscious movement. Welcome Goddess offers an array of dance and movement classes that invite women back into their bodies and encourage them to take up space and reclaim their spirit.

Since the dawn of time, women have danced in community with other women.
Whether it was in celebration, or to bond, grieve, or pray, they instinctually knew the healing potential available in conscious movement. Welcome Goddess offers an array of dance and movement classes that invite women back into their bodies and encourage them to take up space and reclaim their spirit.

"Sensual Flow has changed my life in such a deep way. Years of talk therapy, many many types of workouts, and so much more to heal my suffering and keep my body healthy, and one weekend of dancing intuitively in a safe space with other women has propelled me forward so far and so fast and to a whole new level I never knew was there. Please do yourself the kindness of trying this beautiful practice!"
— Chelsea H.